Many fossils from the past are found in completely different environments. This can be explained by tectonic plate movement or continental drift. The Earth is made up of tectonic plates that float on the semi-liquid magma below. The plates are moving very slowly, but over millions of years, made changes have occurred. Earth used to be a single humongous landmass, known as Pangaea. The fossils were most likely formed around Pangaea's time.

Pangaea was made up of different tectonic plates, and as they drifted away from each other, Pangaea broke up. Eventually, the plates settled in their present homes, although they still carried the remains of organisms from their home. The current Antarctic plate no doubt used to be in South Pangaea. The tectonic plates are still moving, however, and eventually Pangaea will reform on the opposite side of the Earth.
Throughout the course of the year, my science class has made a series of Quizlet sets, one for each new topic. These sets help us remember the terms through us typing in the definitions, and we have an easily accessible study guide with many different options. The options include Scatter, where terms and definitions must be matched; Space Race, where definitions can be eliminated by having their term typed before they reach the edge of the page; Speller, which is an audio fueled spelling test; Learn, like Space Race but not in a game mode; and Test, where Quizlet generates a test using a few of your own terms.

These options have helped me study for many tests, and I think that Quizlet is a very useful tool. I do not have an alternate study tool to suggest over Quizlet and recommend that its use is continued.
Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection changed many views of life on this Earth. However, Darwin presented of his theory after seeing many sights and gathering much evidence. however, there were some problems with Darwin's theory. Most people in Darwin's time believed that  the Earth was just thousands of years old. Unfortunately for Darwin, for natural selection to have created the diversity of life on Earth, an immense number of years were needed.

This was because most adaptions started with a single genetic mutation. The genetic mutation would then be passed down through offspring, letting the adapted organisms live longer while the others died out. While this may sound relatively quick, the fact is that it took one generation for the trait to spread to just half of the average litter size of the population. Depending on the speed at which reproduction happened and the size of the ppopulation, evolution of a single population could take anywhere from a thousand to a mimillion