While plant and animal cells don't look the same, they are in the possession of many similar organelles, such as mitochondria, nuclei, endoplasmic reticulums, ribosomes, etc. After that, some differences start to occur. For example, while plant and animals both have cells with vacuoles, plant cells only have one huge one, that also carries out the duties of a lysosome, and animal cells have multiple smaller ones, that do naught but store things. Speaking of lysosomes, only animal cells have them, and they use them to break down waste and damaged or useless cell parts. Plants also use a process called "photosythesis" to make food, and have an organelle, called a chloroplast, specified for that job. While both types of cells have a cell membrane, only plant and bacteria cells have a cell wall.

Bacteria are very different from the other types of cells, and have no organelles that are bound by membranes. Instead of lying inside the nucleus, like it does in plant and animal cells, DNA is found floating around in the cytoplasm. The reason for that is that all known bacteria cells have no nucleus. Bacteria are generally prokaryotic, which differs them from the eukaryotic plant and animal cells. Prokaryotic cells have a cell wall, and no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles.
11/14/2012 02:04:28 am

I really like how you have a lot of details and examples. I also like how you really made the blog so that everybody could understand it. Good job!


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