This year, to start of the Computech Grade 7 Science Lab experiments, we are learning about the metric system. Something we are learning is how to use metric units to measure length, and we recently started measuring volume. To learn about length, we measured ten different items, and wrote their lengths in different metric terms. To learn about volume, we measured different rectangular prisms, figured their volume, and wrote the volume in cubic centimeters. We also used graduated cylinders, flasks, and beakers to measure the volume of a liquid. Something we have not done yet, is measuring weight, which is done in milligrams, centigrams, decigrams, grams, decagrams, hectograms, and kilograms. Likewise, legth is measured in millimeters, centimeters, decimeters, meters, decameters, hectometers, and kilometers. Also,  liquid volume is measured in milliliters, centiliters, deciliters, liters, decaliters, hectoliters, and kiloliters. The metric system is used around the world, in everywhere but the U.S.A.
    One experiment we have already completed is to see which jumps further: A frog folded out of paper, or a frog folded out of cardstock. We jumped each frog ten times, and then averaged the results. Our unanimous conclusion was that the cardstock frog jumped the furthest. My personal hypothesis was that the cardstock frog was stiffer and springier, so it jumped better. The paper type was the only variable, but there were many constants, such of the folding pattern, measurment unit, and even the paper color. The experiment got me wondering how bandly a tissue paper frog would perform, and if there would be any paper better than cardstock. I  enjoyed all of these experiments, and am looking forward to many more!

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