The sky is blue because of the process of scattering. Scattering is where a material or group of materials diffuses the light and transmits it differently. The higher a wave's frequency, the more it is scattered. Frequency is the amount of time it takes for a wave to pass the same point twice. The shorter the wavelength, or distance between two identical points on a wave, the higher the frequency. Light is radiated from the sun and across space to Earth. When on Earth, it reaches the atmosphere. The atmosphere is very different from the vacuum that is space, and the gasses have a curious effect on the light rays. 

Blue is one of the waves of visible light with the highest frequency. Visible light is a small sector on the electromagnetic spectrum, but the different wavelengths inside of it create all different types of colors. The seven main ones are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet; in order of increasing frequency. Since blue has a high frequency, it is scattered throughout the sky and creates the layer of light blue.

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