The book that I am currently reading is the original Gulliver's Travels, but I just started it and have not read more than one chapter, so I will blog about the book I just finished, Wizard's HolidayWizard's Holiday is the seventh book in the Young Wizard's series by Diane Duane. In the book, Nita Callahan is looking forward to her two weeks of spring break. Instead she comes home and finds the fridge completely empty. In the middle of starting a wizardry to give her access to her friend Kit's fridge, she is interrupted by her sister's senitent computer Spot. Spot is hiding, and he knows what Nita and her dad are about to find out. Darine, Nita's sister, has signed up for a cultural exchange, halfway across the galaxy. Darine is soon banned from leaving the Solar System, and Nita and Kit are sent away to the perfect world of Alaau. While Nita and Kit are away, the other end of the cultural exchange comes to Nita's house. Sker'het, a giant millipede, Fillif, a senitent tree, and Roshaun, a humanoid king from a half burnt planet far away across the galaxy.

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