When DNA replicates, the first thing that happens is that the bonds that hold the bases break apart, leaving two strands of nucleotides. Nucleotides consist of a base, deoxyribose sugar, and phosphate.  Because certain bases bond with certain bases, the cell can produce new nucleotides that will follow Chargaff's rules. The bases are then bonded together in their pairs (adenine with thymine, and cytosine with guanine). The DNA has then replicated into two identical strands. DNA is shaped as a double helix, with the phosphate groups (a sugar and phosphate) on the outside, and the base pairs going across the inside. When the bonds break apart, helix separates into two inverse strands of the DNA.

For If the bases in one separated strand was AAGTCGGACGTCT, then the inverse, matching strand would be TTCAGCCTGCAGA. After the new bases are created, these strands would both be paired with their matching inverse strands.
12/12/2012 01:51:17 am

That paragraph was really good. I think that you did a good job in explaining the about the DNA replicating. That is all.


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