The Grand Canyon is an excellent example of superposition and crosscutting, because it is extremely deep, wide, and long, and has thus exposed many layers of rock. Superposition states that layers of rock above other layers will be younger, if undisturbed. Since the Grand Canyon is so deep and has so many layers, it has been possible to date the layers, and prove this theory. The theory of superposition is based on the knowledge that rock layers form on top of one another, i.e. a volcano erupts, laying down an ash layer, the a mudslide dumps some other materials on the top, then maybe the wind blows stuff above that etc. 

The Grand Canyon also demonstrates crosscutting, but it proves it through superposition.The Law of  Crosscutting Relationships states that if a layer cuts down through an otherwise undisturbed body of rock, the layer cutting downwards will be younger. This is proven by the fact that for a layer to cut down, it has to be 

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